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Calendars And Scheduling - Planning To Make The Best Use Of Your Time

People had a hard time in calendars and scheduling events on Discord and getting other people to come. A typical community needs 3 to 12 events a month to stay hot. If you read the article on events, you'll know that. It's hard to get people to go to the events and make sure they go to the ones that are right for them.

Oct 21, 2022754 Shares251.3K ViewsWritten By: Alastair MartinReviewed By: James Smith
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  1. The Importance Of Scheduling
  2. Final Thoughts

People had a hard time incalendars and schedulingeventson Discordand getting other people to come. A typical community needs 3 to 12 events a month to stay hot. If you read the article on events, you'll know that. It's hard to get people to go to the events and make sure they go to the ones that are right for them.

Discord + Add to Google Calendar was used in the past. The calendar invite would only send them to the main server, not the channel where the event was taking place. People were getting confused because they had to use three different tools (Discord, Zoom, and Add To Calendar) at the same time. Because Discord doesn't let more than 25 people in a channel with video turned on, we did this to get around that.

There are now third-party platforms that can connect Zoom to Google Calendar and make a landing page for the same thing, like this one: It's also very time-consuming to make a new landing page for each and every event that you host yourself.

Scenesis perfect for this whole process because it has a built-in Zoom (Stage channel) and a calendar channel that can be linked together. It also lets you separate the right people for the right event by limiting the roles that can come to the event (creating a newbie-only event is now a breeze). With the mobile app, event notifications spread to more people because they take up space on the notification tray of the phone.

The Importance Of Scheduling

It is the art of scheduling your activities so that you can do what you need to do in the time you have. When it's done well, it helps you:

  • Understand what you can realistically achieve with your time.
  • Make sure you have enough time for important things.
  • Add extra time for "the unexpected."
  • Avoid taking on too much.
  • Avoid taking on too much.
  • Have enough time to spend with your family and friends, exercise, and do other things you like.
  • Take care of your work and home life.

In our lives, time is the only thing we can't buy. We often waste or use it ineffectively. It helps you think about what you want to do in a day, week or month. It also helps you stay on track to reach your goals.

Using Your Calendar

The first thing you'll want to do is set up the different calendar groups in your account. A category for work, home, sports, family, and so on might be one of the things you put in. The categories you make will be based on the main parts of your life. If you add too many categories, it will take more time to figure out which one an appointment fits into. Make sure they're all separate and there isn't any overlap between them.

To get the most out of your calendar, the more you put into it. For some people, only important things like meetings and phone calls go on their calendar. It's fine to try both ways, but I think it would be better if you put everything into your calendar. You should make time for everything from workouts to social events to housework to mediation to side projects to your job, and so on and so forth. This way, you can see where your time is going.

When you do the same things over and over again, you can plan most of your week in advance.

During certain times of the week, I go to the gym and see my family. These events are set to happen again each week. To help you plan your week, do this. It will save you a lot of time.

Once your personal appointments are on your calendar, you can go through your task list and start scheduling time for everything that needs to be done in today and this week. So that you know when and how long each task will take, you should put it on your calendar.

Set up an appointment at the end of each day so that you can plan for the next day. When you start work the next day, you don't have to waste time figuring out what to do. This means that you can now treat any empty space on your calendar as guilt-free time to do what you want.

Your calendar can be used in many ways, so don't worry if an important task comes up. You should have enough time in your day to budget for these unplanned tasks and move things around if you need to do so. Make time work for you, not against you. You can always put things off until tomorrow, and you'll find that you keep rescheduling your week as the week goes on.

Final Thoughts

Remember to set aside time for breaks during the day and put them in your calendar. Take a 10-minute walk and the world won't end. Make sure you set aside time for it so that when you plan your day, you can account for this time.

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