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Achieving Successful Community Engagement

Community engagement is the process of working collaboratively with community members— be they library customers, residents, faculty, students or partner organizations— to address issues for the betterment of the community.

Mar 29, 2022108.4K Shares1.6M ViewsWritten By: Alastair MartinReviewed By: James Smith
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  1. Why You Can’t Just Ignore Community Engagement
  2. Community Engagement Is Communication
  3. Conclusion

With so many different ways to describe it, it can be hard to figure out what community engagementis. In its simplest form, it aims to better involve the community in order to achieve long-term and sustainable outcomes.

In order for it to be successful, it must use strategies and processes that are aware of the community-context where it is taking place.

Why You Can’t Just Ignore Community Engagement

A lot of good things happen when people from all over the world get together and work together for the good of everyone.

When you work with communities, you'll be able to make better, more informed decisions because you can see the bigger picture and the full impact of your projects and initiatives. You can build a more socially responsible businesswhen you work with the community in the right way.

As a result, you can build trust with people in your community. This means that they can be more satisfied with your brand, your initiatives, and your projects if they do more of what you do. Getting a "social license to work" is what it all comes down to. Make it more likely for people to accept you and less likely for them to be rejected or blocked.

Community Engagement Is Communication

A big part of community engagement is talking to people and getting to know them. But it's not just a one-way thing. It means having a conversation, so you both talk to your community and listen to what they say.

Communication isn't always as easy as you think it is. People don't always know who to talk to or how toget in touch with you. You might need to break down some communication barriers and look for ways to make yourself more reachable and accessible, such as by offering a variety of communication platforms and formats, to make yourself more accessible and reachable.

But it's always worth it to talk to your customers and other people. If you do this, you'll get a wider range of views and more information to help you make better decisions. Plus, you'll give your community more information that will help them understand each other better.

So, how do you get people to talk more? The first thing you should do before anything else is to go to the places where your community hangs out. This will depend on who your community membersare, what demographics you're trying to reach, and what their habits are. Some examples might be:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Local shopping villages
  • Major eventsand festivals
  • Community centers
  • Schools

The important thing, no matter where you communicate, is that you both listen and share.


'Community engagement', on the other hand, is a strategic process that aims to work with groups of people, whether they are linked by geography, special interest, or affiliation, to find and solve problems that affect their well-being.

The word "community" is linked to "engagement" in a way that broadens the scope and shifts the focus from the individual to the collective. This shifts the focus from the individual to the collective, which has implications for inclusiveness.

It is a mix of science and art when you do community engagement in real life. The science comes from sociology, public policy, political science, cultural anthropology, organizational development, psychology, social-psychology, and many other fields, like psychology and social-psychology. People who study community participation, community development, constituency building, and community psychology also come up with ideas for how to think about these things. A person's art comes from how well they understand, use, and adapt the science to make it work for them and for their community and for the goals of their engagement efforts.

When we talk about community engagement, we don't think about the results of these efforts in the same way. They may be called coalitions, partnerships, or collaborations, but they all fall under the general category. The word "community" is linked to "engagement" in a way that broadens the scope and shifts the focus from the individual to the collective. This shifts the focus from the individual to the collective, which has implications for inclusiveness.

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